Explanation About Ontd | Meaning Of ontd | ontd Community | ontd livejournal

4 min readOct 20, 2021


Meaning Of ontd?

ONTD Meaning is “ Oh No They Didn’t

What ontd is?

ontd is a community for celebrity gossip that has become both the site of fannish activity and inspiration to other celebrities on it. They come top in LiveJournal’s ranking as May 2017 brings us new information about this popular website with an estimated 100 million users each month!

On this page, it will be defined to make everything clear.

There’s always been a lot of buzz on ONTD about the Eli Roth Blueberries incident. When movie director and actor, Eli Roth discovered our site he tweeted: “Wow! Who knew there was such thing as an online town square?”

After spending some time browsing through posts from all around California his curiosity led him into discovering what it feels like to having sex with someone in real life for once — and then later that night had cybersex (online chat) while watching Eudora’s video “Paparazzi” documenting said event

ontd Origin:

The community was originally created in 2004 by teenagers Erin Lang, Bri Draffen, and Breniecia Reuben.

They wanted to make the internet safer for their friends — giving them an opportunity at independence during adolescence while also teaching valuable life skills like self-reliance through the online interaction that would never be possible otherwise

The original idea came about when three high school students who were all too aware of how isolating growing up can feel realized they needed better ways than just talking face-to-face or over text message/IM if there ever should arise any problems within friendships lasting beyond hours on someone elses’ phone plan account where everything has been said before

ontd Is A Place:

ontd is a place where people come together to discuss things about transexuals, transgenderism, etc. People who are born as boys but feel that they are real girls inside can come here and talk about their experiences without judgment or harassment by others because after all, we should all be equal. Equality for everyone no matter whether you’re white, brown-skinned, or black!

Only if men treated women with respect would relationships work out better in the future! If you think one person being killed because of their gender identity by another is wrong then say so and speak out! You never know who might be ontd.

It’s great when people get together to fight for the rights of all people all around the world! It doesn’t matter if you live in America, South America, or even Australia! Let’s make this planet a better place by joining together under one goal: To make life easier for everyone — boys, girls, men, and women!

No one should ever be judged for what they are on the inside, only by their personality. And that’s not something you can see just by looking at someone or even talking to them for a few minutes.

That person could have the most amazing personality but your judgment is made purely by how he/she looks on the outside … which is no way to judge somebody.

It’s like saying because this girl has green hair she must be strange and everyone else will think so too. But there’s always more than meets the eye! Look deeper into people before you start judging them all of the time because it makes life so much more interesting if you open your mind to new things and other people!

If you have been through any tough times dealing with your gender identity then you should come here and talk because after all, you deserve to be happy too!

Not everything in life is great so if you have any problems open up and don’t hold them back … because there are always people on the internet willing to listen.

How To join ontd:

If you want to join ontd, please feel free to do so by clicking [livejournal] because we’re waiting for you. We all care about each other here and hope that others will love us just as much.

All we ask of our new members are a few simple rules: no being rude or disrespectful towards anyone else on the site at any time, not posting images or videos that aren’t safe for work because this website isn’t like YouTube where swearing doesn’t matter.

On here we don’t want swearing and other offensive things because we’re trying to give everyone a nice place to chat. If you need someone to talk to, come on here and find them!

Rule Of ontd:

Treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself.

That’s all it takes for life to be great for everyone! No one likes being hurt or offended so if you wouldn’t do that to another person then make sure it doesn’t happen!

Nobody wants to bully on their site because they’ll get angry and leave … which means fewer members for us — servers cost money, not free from any company willing enough to provide them! So please take care of each other rather than hurting each other.

We will ban people who break the rules (it’s not something we like doing!) but if your makeup with them and become friends again then maybe it will be okay.

Former members:

ontd fun!

You can post all kinds of things on here just as long as they’re safe for work … that includes swearing, nudity, gore, etc.

If you want to put someone down in chat then don’t do it by insulting their gender identity because that is NOT cool!

Everyone deserves to respect no matter where they come from or what they look like so please don’t cause trouble because the only thing that happens is people get angry and leave … which means fewer members for us so servers cost money which isn’t free!

